Friday, July 18, 2008

Don't Stop Believing; the Law of Attraction is Still Working

Using the law of attraction is not about damage limitation; it's about creating your dream life! I talk to a lot of people who started out passionately learning how to use the law of attraction a couple of years ago, who are now just using it to tread water. It's natural for us that some of the enthusiasm wears off when something is no longer new and exiting, and as we loose the enthusiasm, we start falling into our old habits.

I hear people who were planning to live out their dream say things like "I'm doing ok, at least I'm not creating anything bad for myself." I personally can not think of a less exited or more bland way to look at your life. Ok, so you haven't lost anything, and life is pretty much what it used to be so everything is fine, right? Wrong! You didn't start out using the law of attraction to maintain what you had. You started out building your dream life and somewhere along the way you experienced either impatience, lack off faith or plain old fear of not succeeding so you kind of gave up and re-wrote your dreams to fit you level of enthusiasm.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about where you are; I'm trying to get you to dig up your original dream and start creating on that again. If you are trying to tell me that things have changed and that you now realize that you don't really want that house or car or career that you first set your sights on, I don't believe you for a second. Stop lying to me, and most importantly; stop lying to yourself. The law of attraction operates on how you really think and feel, not on what you tell yourself to feel better about giving up or loosing faith.

Stop feeling bad about not having achieved it yet, and start using the law of attraction to create your dream again! You don't know how something is going to come about, that's not up to you. Your part of the job is to visualize yourself already having what you want and feeling good about knowing it's on its way. The rest is up to the universe.

My friend had a steady, well paying job but wanted something that gave her more challenges. Over the course of a couple of years she was considering leaving her job for more exiting but less secure ones but never acted because she was afraid of making a bad decision. I watched as she was more and more bored in her old job and heard her passionately talk about the life she could see herself having if she only took the jump and left her stabile job for a more exiting one. I tried to talk her into taking a leap of faith to realize her dream, but she was so caught in the paradigms of "safety over happiness" that she kept hesitating.

One day the universe acted for her. She called me up and told me she had just been let go from her stable well paying job; the company she worked for was closing down. As devastated as she was, she still acted fast and in five days she had a whole week of job interviews lined up. Here's the twist: she never even got to go to one job interview. Before the week was over she got a phone call from a company she had applied to yeas earlier but didn't get the job. She always referred to it as her dream job. The company told her they had heard rumors that she was back on the job market and wanted to snatch her up before someone else did. Not only did this girl get her dream job, it paid much more than her previous job.

Do you think my friend could see that the law of attraction was about to make her dream come true the day she was suddenly without a job? Of course not, but she was given a huge nudge from the universe and she acted on it.

Even though she was afraid to leave her secure job, my never lost faith that she could have the job of her dreams; she kept dreaming, she kept believing, and she was rewarded.

What are you so afraid of? Is failing really the end of the world? The way is see it, there is not such thing as failure if you really, really tried. The only thing stopping you from having what you want is you. Trust in your power to use the law of attraction, and welcome your dream. As long as you are doing your part right; as long as you are visualizing and feeling good about what is coming, you are on the right track.

The universe gives us nudges along the way too, and the law of attraction is always working. Keep your eyes open and you'll find the next step forward.

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