Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Batik Sarong Color That Really Pop!


What are sarongs? A Sarong is a simple piece of material that is wore by many different people around the world for a few different reasons. typically the sarong is made of a rayon fabric and is long enough to wrap around you at least once, chances are that twice. In Indonesia it is known as a kain sarung ('sarong fabric').
It doesn't take much to put one on. In many instances people search for ways to wear a sarong, but inevitably the easiest way is to effortlessly wrap it around your waist and tie it. You have the optionof using a sarong tie or not. Sarong ties can be coconut, mother of pearl, a resin abalone mix (these are indeed pleasantand made of quality worthwhile materials that will last and shine for a long time!), or plastic (we don't favor these - very tacky). Just go search google for the words: Sarong Clips. You're sure to find a excellent tie, clip, or buckle to match your sarong!

Here are 10 fun filled facts about Sarongs that will help you gain intellectuality about them:
1) In Mozambique it is called a capulana.
2) In fact, Lamour was nicknamed "The Sarong Girl" by the press and even wore a sarong on occasion in more traditional films.
3) The dyeing technique of batik is associated with sarong production.
4) In North America and Europe, sarongs are routinely used by women as a cover-up over swimwear.
5) One steps into this tube, brings the upper edge above the level of the navel (the hem should be level with the ankles), positions the kepala at the center of the back, and folds in the excess fabric from both sides to the front center, where they overlap and secures the sarong by rolling the upper hem down over itself.
6) In Kerala the brightly coloured sarongs are called Kaily and the white ones are called mundu.
7) Statistically, the number of people wearing sarong as their primary public attire, are on the decline in Sri Lanka; the reason being that Sarong carries the stigma of being the attire for less educated lower social classes.
8) The American public is most familiar with the sarong for the dozens of motion pictures set in the South Seas, most of them romantic dramas made in the 1930's and 1940's.
9) In North America and Europe, the fabric of the sarong is as things go quite light, oftentimes rayon, and may feature decorative fringing on two sides.
10) This consists of length of material about a yard wide and two-and-a-half yards long.

Sarongs (in North America) can often be purchased on a beach for a a reasonable price. If there is no beach around, you can typically find one in a fancy tropical resort or similar. Another excellent place to look is online. There are many websites that offer numerous different types and styles of sarongs. The prices run from outstanding to reasonable to fair. Some sites offer free shipping if you purchase two (2) or more. Tie the FREE Priority Mail Shipping offer in with selection and value and I'd say you have a winner!

Sarongs can be used as a cover up for a bathing suite, as a towel for the bath or beach, as a wall hanging decoration, as a blanket, and many and various other uses as well. These fabulous material items are simple and plain but extremely useful! Whether you are looking to go on a cruise, heading to the beach, or looking for a swim suit cover up, a sarong is a perfect versatile item that no woman (or man) should be without. offers several sarongs at very reasonable prices. The have a wide variety of skirts and dress made of sarong material as well. The site uses a third party check out so you know your financial data is secure and they offer very quick shipping if you tastefully order 2 or more sarongs from them. That's not a very costly order either. Other sites offer free snail mail shipping if you spend twice as much with them. All Sarongs send them in a priority mail package with a 2-3 day average delivery time. The advantage when choose where to get a sarong is clear.
See also related blogs:










Saturday, July 19, 2008

What Is Spiritual Wisdom

I have over 15,000 pages of "spiritual wisdom" on my main web site. The title of my web site is "Spiritual New Age Wisdom, but it never occurred to me to write about what "spiritual wisdom" is, until I received a posting in my guest book asking about it.

Wisdom is knowledge applied, so "spiritual wisdom" is spirituality applied; it is that simple. New Age Spiritual Wisdom is the knowledge of New Age spirituality applied to your everyday physical life.

Spirit is what you are naturally, so everything that you do is spiritual. Because being spirit is natural, when spiritual attributes are applied to your everyday life, your life becomes less of a struggle, and there is a natural tendency for your life to flow easily because you are in harmony with spirit. When you add your conscious thoughts to your spirituality, the purpose of your physical life becomes vague and chaotic. The farther you move away from your true nature (which is spiritual) the more difficult it is to return to it because you become brain washed.

As you move away from your childhood and start to believe all the things your parents and your elders tell you about life, and how yours is supposed to be lived, the less spiritually motivated you become. You start to live your life for others and in a way that is acceptable to them, and you loose site of your purpose and why you decided to become physical. The farther you move away from your childhood the more difficult it is to apply spiritual attributes to your life, and the natural ability to consciously alter what you are or will experience.

Because you are life itself as well as the creator of it, you have all the attributes of a creator. The more you accept the misinformation or disinformation of your parents or elders, the less your ability to use your power. After years of believing what they tell you, you become impotent and mortal. However, the good news is that you can get it all back, unfortunately for most of us; it becomes a major struggle with our old beliefs about why we cannot. The older you get and the more entrenched the misinformation, the more difficult your spiritual quest will be. You can have it all back in a heart beat if you can let go of your physical thoughts and accept your true nature as your new reality; but that is easier said than done. Experience has taught me that it is another lifetime or several before that transformation can happen. The idea of acceptance is easy; its practice however, is most difficult. It is a lot of work and energy finding your way back and the harder you try, the farther away you move.

If you are lucky enough to have parents who are wise in spiritual matters and they allow you to maintain your natural awareness and develop it, the powers will stay with you and are accessible for the rest of your life. If you are fortunate enough to be reading this and are intuitive or intelligent enough to understand, you work will be less if you are critical about the information that is given you. People will always try to disempower you, with this awareness comes your best defense. They cannot take away your power unless you let them - unless you believe that you do not have it.

Parents want the best for their children, but the struggle for spiritual awareness or wisdom should be the parents' not the children. It is difficult to let go and allow a child to find their own way. We want to guide them and protect them and that desire is inherited in every parent, but every child must choose, or suffer a life unfulfilled. As parents we tell ourselves and others that we want more for our children, yet we give them the same misinformation given to us, that will guide them to less. Of course when we say this, we are thinking of material things once again ignoring their spiritual purpose for being physical. Loving our children unconditionally and knowing that they have a purpose will allow the freedom for them to follow their destiny - again, easy to say, not so easy to do.

The world is the way it is because we have stifled our spirituality and replaced it with boxed religions which do not want us to use our power. We have allowed fear to replace love and freedom to evolve into the greater human that we are so capable of. Spiritual wisdom would bring back life into our physical experience. Spiritual wisdom would encourage diversity, not assimilation. Life must move in all directions before it can know itself as complete. There is no life if we all believe in the same things. Acknowledgement of our differences is acknowledgement of life in all its expressions, none better or worse than the other.

Spiritual Wisdom is your awareness expressed in the best possible physical manifestation of your own thoughts. Be true to your own wisdom.

Friday, July 18, 2008

5 Proven Ways To Avoid Mental Blocks

Writing an article doesn't just mean putting down thoughts into words then typing and writing it. You have to capture the awareness of your readers, teach them valuable know-how and get them to keep on reading. To send your message across you have to get the attention of the reader and have a firm grasp of their interest and pique their curiosity.

The main ingredient in baking up an article is a large dose of creativity. While creativity may come natural to many people, some just gets into a block or something to that effect that can drive someone to feel slight at uneasy. Many writers have literally torn their hair out when they get writers block and just can't seem to get their creative juices flowing.

Putting words into images in the readers mind is an art. A clear and crisp depiction requires a certain flair that only creativity can provide. Similes and metaphors help a lot, but the way an article gets entwined word for word, sentence by sentence then paragraph by paragraph into a whole article develops the essence of the article.

So just what do you have to do when nothing comes to mind? There is no surefire ways to get the perfect ideas but there are easy ways to get your creative juices flowing. No one can guarantee you of having the perfect mindset but many methods may aid you in achieving that state of mind. Here are five battle tested easy ways to overcome such issues.

1) Keep a diary or a journal with you always. Ideas can be triggered by anything you may hear, see, or smell. Your senses are your radar in finding great ideas. Write all of them into a journal and keep it with you for future reference. You may also write down anything that you have read or heard, someone's ideas could be used to develop your own ideas and this is not stealing. Remember that ideas and creativity can come from anywhere; it's the development of the idea that makes it unique.

Not everyone are going to be able to remember to bring their journal or notepad along with them. However, it is highly likely that they would have their mobile on them. Today, mobiles has the capability to record instant audio and you can certainly take good advantage of your telephonic devices whenever that golden ideas start to kick in your head.

2) Relax and take time to sort things out. A jumbled mind cannot create any space for new ideas. Everyone must have a clear mind if one wishes to have their creativity in full speed. Get rid of all obstacles that can be a hindrance to your creativity. If you are bothered by something, you cannot force your mind to stay focused.

Try to relax every time that you can and think about your experiences and interactions with others. Your experiences are what shape your mindset and your opinions which could be reflected on your writings. Try to discover yourself, find out what triggers your emotions. Go back to the past. Discover what inspires you and what ticks you off. You can use these emotions to help you in expressing yourself and your ideas, with this you can grow creatively.

If it still fails, try to listen to calming music like the one you normally hear in the spa. You can easily buy these relaxing tunes from the music stores or download it off Itunes. You're bound to feel better in the end.

3) Create a working place that can inspire your creativeness. Your working place can be quite a hindrance if it doesn't make you feel happy or relaxed. Creativity comes from being in a good state of mind and a messed up workplace that causes distraction won't be conducive in firing up your creative flow.
Surround your working place with objects that makes you happy and relaxed. You may put up pictures, or scents, objects that inspire, or anything that can get your creativeness cranking. A clean and well organized workplace also rids of distractions and unwanted hindrances. With a good working place, you can work in peace and never notice the time pass by.

4) Set the mood. Setting the mood requires you to just go with the moment or to induce yourself to feeling what makes your mind works best. Finding out what makes you tick could help you find ways to get your creative juices flowing. Set the pace and tempo for your mood and everything else will follow.

There are many ways to set the mood. Some writers have been known to use alcohol, a little sip of wine to stir up the imagination. Some would like some mood music while others let the lighting of the environment create the mood.

5) Go on a getaway and just do something different. Letting yourself go and have fun produces adrenaline that can make your imagination go wild. Take an adventure or a solemn hike. Whatever it is that is unusual from your daily routine can take the rut out of your schedule. In no time at all, your creativeness will make use of that experience and get your imagination to go on overdrive.

Challenging Your Fears

Fear is one of the basic human emotions that drive us. Whether it's a fear of starvation, of dying, or simply of the unknown, we fear what we can not expect as well as the things we have come to expect in our lives. Too often, this fear is crippling, even damaging. Thus, many people have turned to medications to help soothe their basic fears or they ignore them completely, to their eventual downfall - mentally and physically. Fear can be a healthy thing and it is meant to be helpful - but only if you stop to learn from your fears.

What are You Afraid of?

For most of us, listing our fears is a daily routine we do in our heads when we wake up. We fear getting to work late, heading into too heavy of traffic, etc. Right now, start a journal which you will carry around with you for one day, listing all of the fears you have as you go through your life. These can be silly fears (to you) as well as bigger fears. What you will notice at the end of this day is that your list is very, very long. Our lives are driven by fears and thus we tend to continuously come up with new ones in order to feel normal and sane.

Naming your fears is the first step to attacking them and turning them into allies instead of enemies.

Taking on Your Fears

Once you have this list of fears, you need to begin look at them from a practical and non-judgmental viewpoint. First of all, ask yourself if any of these fears came true. If so, circle the fear. If not, don't circle them. If you have a lot of circles, you're probably in the minority. Going to the circled entries, think about new ways that you can avoid these fears and make them less of a likelihood. This might mean that you avoid certain situations or that you learn how to adjust your life in order to stop them from coming true. For example, if you fear getting to work late, but you perpetually leave your house late too, you need to change the way you live in order to arrive at work on time.

After considering the fears which have come true, you can then move onto the fears which have not come to pass. These fears are the ones that need to be challenged. Ask yourself with each fear how this fear is either unlikely or if it is something you can control. For example, if you fear for the lives of your family, is there anything that indicates this might be reasonable right now? Ask yourself if there is anything you can do to help protect them? If you can not answer these questions, it's probably best that you begin to see the faults in your fearful thinking. These may be fears which are unreasonable for you to worry about - and you can begin to let them go or at least see their weakness.

Whenever you have a new fear, take a moment to follow this process in your head. Ask yourself if the fear is reasonable and if there is anything you can do. Once your mind begins to recognize that you are rationally looking at your fears, you will begin to see fewer fears popping up.

Quality Leads To Opposition

The following is based on over twenty years of study and experience. Some small amount of logic and good sense is thrown in to glue it together. The purpose of the following is to encourage the reader toward ever higher quality.

The natural tendency of people is to do things well, and correctly. No one-year-old ever tried to do something less well than he could. It follows, then, that any tendency to give less than one's best effort is a learned behavior. It further follows that what has been learned can be unlearned.

From a very early age, a child learns that not all of his efforts are appreciated and admired, at least not as much as he thinks they should be. He draws a picture he is proud of, and it gets a ho-hum response. He makes a mess while trying to help, and gets yelled at. At school, it only gets worse, with mediocre grades despite good effort, and with derision as a "teacher's pet" for showing interest or doing well.

What results is the unnatural tendency to hold back, to not try so hard. Call it the "Why Bother?" syndrome. What also results is unknowingly teaching this behavior to others, and reinforcing it generally. Everyone does this sometimes, if only by not admiring others' efforts.

Some people recognize that their life needs to improve. Some people rebel, because they know they are not living up to their potential, and want more from life. They start trying to improve quality, both in their own life and all around them. They start trying to make things better. And they discover that the world does not make that easy.

Opposition can take many forms, from outright obstacles to the most subtle kind of all: lack of appreciation. When a person does something well, and it doesn't get noticed, the "Why Bother?" syndrome kicks in, full force.

Change is possible. Improvement is possible. Self-improvement is possible. They are not only possible, they are relatively easy. So long as the intention continues. They may not happen as fast as you would like -- what does? -- but continued motion in the direction of improvement always yields progress.

The next time you put forth that extra little effort to do a job better, and someone says, "Why Bother," you can smile sweetly and say, "Oh, it's no bother." You don't need admiration or appreciation to do things better. It's nice when it comes, and it will come, but you don't need it.

Besides, you should know that someone does admire your efforts to improve, and does appreciate the things you do well. In fact, every reader of this article does, as you admire theirs. They are not alone, nor are you, in these efforts. You may be fought, or scorned, or ignored, as you push through the lowlands of mediocrity to the higher levels of quality. But you are not alone, and you are needed.

Self-Improvement: All About Quality

People run into two major problems when they try to apply self-improvement ideas or techniques:

1) They attempt too great a change in too short a time, and

2) They expect that by changing one aspect of their life, their whole life will improve.

Major changes are always an accumulation of minor changes. You don't change the direction of an ocean liner instantly, and a life has at least as much momentum as an ocean liner. Real self-improvement comes from small, directed changes, each one designed to improve one small aspect of life.

Self-improvement must involve all parts of one's life, because all those parts interact with each other. If they are not all getting better, improvement in one small area will not be stable, as the others will drag it back down. As an example, a student decides to study much harder and get better grades. This won't be possible if he has just as many distractions from friends, just as many money problems, and his girlfriend keeps getting mad at him.

The solution to both of these problems is to learn the actual principles of quality that underlie self-improvement. To improve anything is to increase its quality. This includes self. It includes life. Without knowing the principles of quality, attempts to improve it become "best guesses" or blindly following advice that worked for someone else or seems to make sense.

Here is the first major principle of quality: Quality Is An Attitude.

This simply means that you have decided to make things better. You have recognized that better is a good direction to move in, rather than letting things stay the same or get worse. Of course, deciding to do something and actually doing it are not the same things. That is where the rest of the principles come in. This first one, though, is necessary. You know you have a quality attitude when you see something that is not as good as it could be and you want to make it better. Maybe you can and maybe you can't, but you wish you could.

Here is the second major principle of quality: Quality Leads To Opposition.

What should be a relatively simple and essentially painless process, self-improvement, is made difficult. Improvement of any kind flies directly into the teeth of many people's fear of or distaste for change. Not knowing this, not expecting this, can make a person get discouraged in his attempts to change things in his life for the better.

Finally, here is the third and last major principle of quality: Quality Takes Time.

We get back to the ocean liner here. It doesn't turn on a dime. Neither does a life. When you start to improve an aspect of your life, it doesn't become perfect overnight. What it does do is start to turn. It starts to move more in the direction you want it to go. It starts to get better.

The above are very condensed, over-simplified explanations of some of the principles of quality. Even so, they contain the kernels of the truths a person needs to begin to make long-term, meaningful improvements in his or her life.

A Basic Grammar Glossary Might Be All You Need

Grammar is like most subjects: you can learn the basics in a few hours, and spend a lifetime exploring its depths. How deeply you dive into any subject depends on two things: does it interest you, and do you need it? Grammar does not interest most people, but everyone needs it, at least a little.

The reason everyone needs to know at least the basic words of grammar is that they form part of the culture we live in. This culture expects a certain basic level of knowledge in its members, and those who don't have it get left out or are made fun of. High school is supposed to provide at least that basic level of knowledge. That is exactly why a high school degree is often required for employment.

Part of that basic level of knowledge is the common words of grammar. Noun, verb, adjective, and adverb are the four big ones, but there are about a dozen more that fall into the class of minimum basic grammar. Pronoun. Preposition. Present, past, and future tense. Direct object. Clause. Phrase. Sentence. Infinitive. Conjunction. Other people would add many more to this list, but these are the basic words that everyone is "expected" to understand.

Two difficulties face anyone who wants to learn the basic words of grammar: What are the basic words, and What do they actually mean in simple language? Most websites about grammar do not distinguish the basic, necessary words from all the rest. Then they use complicated language.

Your best bet is to compile or obtain a basic glossary of grammar. You can use the list above, and start visiting websites until you come up with definitions and examples of each of those words. Look for websites that are for children, or for English as a Second Language (ESL), or that call themselves "easy" or "basic." It probably won't take you nearly as long as you might think.

Write down the words on the list above and try to define them in your own words. Make up a half dozen examples of each grammar word. If you have trouble explaining what a grammar word means, or cannot easily make up examples of it, find another website that will explain it better. When you are satisfied that you have done this correctly for all the words on the list, ask someone to check your definitions and examples.

The whole process might take you two hours or six or even a bit more. It doesn't matter. That is not a lot of time to spend on something so important. Spread it out over a few days if you want to. Just don't get discouraged. If a website confuses you, go to a different one.

Some day in the not too distant future, you will hear one of these words in conversation, or on the television, or will read it in a book, and you will be very glad you went to the effort to find or make your own basic glossary of grammar. Everything will start making a lot more sense.

Yes, But Am I Happy?

By chance an old friend and I crossed paths as we were waiting for an elevator. We had always had lively discussions and both were between appointments so we struck up a conversation.

We updated each other on recent successes and failures--and since we'd both gone to the same University, touched briefly on the old alma mater.

After the pleasantries were past, we then entered into the 'important' things--the more serious things that mattered. He spoke of a friend that had gotten out of the 'rat race' for several years.

At that point, his old company offered his friend a 'big six-figure contract' to return and she accepted. We were both impressed with the salary he mentioned and joked about what kind of weekly paycheck she would get.

We were both envious. On a whim, perhaps a whim based somewhat on envy, I asked the simple question, 'yes, but is she happy?'

My friend became silent.

No, he finally answered. She was definitely not happy. Several years before she had left her job because it was not satisfying and because at 70 plus hours a week she had no personal life.

She had hoped at some point to remarry but was feeling like she was married to her job and no suitor could break up the family. The big salary did not make her happy.

If it were not for the money, she would quit and do what she really wanted to do. But she could not do that and remained miserable.

We ended our conversation slapping each other on the back and saying how lucky we were to be doing what we were interested in. We agreed to talk soon but we both knew our busy schedules would not make that possible any time soon.

Our conversation had lasted a half-hour; yet, this conversation is one that has replayed in my mind many times since then. Yes, but are we happy?

The analytical among us would press for a definition of happy. And probably that would make a good article. But somehow the question kept coming back and back.

If you look in the workplace you won't see too many happy people. You see owners that hate their industry, employees and customers.

And employees that show up for work only to get a paycheck as they whine and complain that nothing is ever good.

And managers that snap at employees as if they were unruly children. Why do people stay in positions they do not like? Why don't more people do what they want?

The question is an intriguing one. Most of my interest has been generated by the concept that the happy worker is a more productive worker.

Make the worker happy and you make production soar. On a simplistic level this is true.

But it goes beyond the simplistic. The question begs us to look deeper. This look is different for each of us so we cannot assume that what works for others will work for us.

There are no formulas or templates. And even if there were we should not trust them.

A friend many years back told me that we all want to live meaningful lives. Maybe a meaningful life is the key to happiness. Maybe not. That and having no regrets.

But what works for me may not work for you.

Many of us become obsessed with the pursuit of happiness. But this is one search you have to find for yourself. Since we spend much of our waking lives at work maybe you should ask this question at work?

Don't Stop Believing; the Law of Attraction is Still Working

Using the law of attraction is not about damage limitation; it's about creating your dream life! I talk to a lot of people who started out passionately learning how to use the law of attraction a couple of years ago, who are now just using it to tread water. It's natural for us that some of the enthusiasm wears off when something is no longer new and exiting, and as we loose the enthusiasm, we start falling into our old habits.

I hear people who were planning to live out their dream say things like "I'm doing ok, at least I'm not creating anything bad for myself." I personally can not think of a less exited or more bland way to look at your life. Ok, so you haven't lost anything, and life is pretty much what it used to be so everything is fine, right? Wrong! You didn't start out using the law of attraction to maintain what you had. You started out building your dream life and somewhere along the way you experienced either impatience, lack off faith or plain old fear of not succeeding so you kind of gave up and re-wrote your dreams to fit you level of enthusiasm.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about where you are; I'm trying to get you to dig up your original dream and start creating on that again. If you are trying to tell me that things have changed and that you now realize that you don't really want that house or car or career that you first set your sights on, I don't believe you for a second. Stop lying to me, and most importantly; stop lying to yourself. The law of attraction operates on how you really think and feel, not on what you tell yourself to feel better about giving up or loosing faith.

Stop feeling bad about not having achieved it yet, and start using the law of attraction to create your dream again! You don't know how something is going to come about, that's not up to you. Your part of the job is to visualize yourself already having what you want and feeling good about knowing it's on its way. The rest is up to the universe.

My friend had a steady, well paying job but wanted something that gave her more challenges. Over the course of a couple of years she was considering leaving her job for more exiting but less secure ones but never acted because she was afraid of making a bad decision. I watched as she was more and more bored in her old job and heard her passionately talk about the life she could see herself having if she only took the jump and left her stabile job for a more exiting one. I tried to talk her into taking a leap of faith to realize her dream, but she was so caught in the paradigms of "safety over happiness" that she kept hesitating.

One day the universe acted for her. She called me up and told me she had just been let go from her stable well paying job; the company she worked for was closing down. As devastated as she was, she still acted fast and in five days she had a whole week of job interviews lined up. Here's the twist: she never even got to go to one job interview. Before the week was over she got a phone call from a company she had applied to yeas earlier but didn't get the job. She always referred to it as her dream job. The company told her they had heard rumors that she was back on the job market and wanted to snatch her up before someone else did. Not only did this girl get her dream job, it paid much more than her previous job.

Do you think my friend could see that the law of attraction was about to make her dream come true the day she was suddenly without a job? Of course not, but she was given a huge nudge from the universe and she acted on it.

Even though she was afraid to leave her secure job, my never lost faith that she could have the job of her dreams; she kept dreaming, she kept believing, and she was rewarded.

What are you so afraid of? Is failing really the end of the world? The way is see it, there is not such thing as failure if you really, really tried. The only thing stopping you from having what you want is you. Trust in your power to use the law of attraction, and welcome your dream. As long as you are doing your part right; as long as you are visualizing and feeling good about what is coming, you are on the right track.

The universe gives us nudges along the way too, and the law of attraction is always working. Keep your eyes open and you'll find the next step forward.

5 Proven Ways To Avoid Mental Blocks

Writing an article doesn't just mean putting down thoughts into words then typing and writing it. You have to capture the awareness of your readers, teach them valuable know-how and get them to keep on reading. To send your message across you have to get the attention of the reader and have a firm grasp of their interest and pique their curiosity.

The main ingredient in baking up an article is a large dose of creativity. While creativity may come natural to many people, some just gets into a block or something to that effect that can drive someone to feel slight at uneasy. Many writers have literally torn their hair out when they get writers block and just can't seem to get their creative juices flowing.

Putting words into images in the readers mind is an art. A clear and crisp depiction requires a certain flair that only creativity can provide. Similes and metaphors help a lot, but the way an article gets entwined word for word, sentence by sentence then paragraph by paragraph into a whole article develops the essence of the article.

So just what do you have to do when nothing comes to mind? There is no surefire ways to get the perfect ideas but there are easy ways to get your creative juices flowing. No one can guarantee you of having the perfect mindset but many methods may aid you in achieving that state of mind. Here are five battle tested easy ways to overcome such issues.

1) Keep a diary or a journal with you always. Ideas can be triggered by anything you may hear, see, or smell. Your senses are your radar in finding great ideas. Write all of them into a journal and keep it with you for future reference. You may also write down anything that you have read or heard, someone's ideas could be used to develop your own ideas and this is not stealing. Remember that ideas and creativity can come from anywhere; it's the development of the idea that makes it unique.

Not everyone are going to be able to remember to bring their journal or notepad along with them. However, it is highly likely that they would have their mobile on them. Today, mobiles has the capability to record instant audio and you can certainly take good advantage of your telephonic devices whenever that golden ideas start to kick in your head.

2) Relax and take time to sort things out. A jumbled mind cannot create any space for new ideas. Everyone must have a clear mind if one wishes to have their creativity in full speed. Get rid of all obstacles that can be a hindrance to your creativity. If you are bothered by something, you cannot force your mind to stay focused.

Try to relax every time that you can and think about your experiences and interactions with others. Your experiences are what shape your mindset and your opinions which could be reflected on your writings. Try to discover yourself, find out what triggers your emotions. Go back to the past. Discover what inspires you and what ticks you off. You can use these emotions to help you in expressing yourself and your ideas, with this you can grow creatively.

If it still fails, try to listen to calming music like the one you normally hear in the spa. You can easily buy these relaxing tunes from the music stores or download it off Itunes. You're bound to feel better in the end.

3) Create a working place that can inspire your creativeness. Your working place can be quite a hindrance if it doesn't make you feel happy or relaxed. Creativity comes from being in a good state of mind and a messed up workplace that causes distraction won't be conducive in firing up your creative flow.
Surround your working place with objects that makes you happy and relaxed. You may put up pictures, or scents, objects that inspire, or anything that can get your creativeness cranking. A clean and well organized workplace also rids of distractions and unwanted hindrances. With a good working place, you can work in peace and never notice the time pass by.

4) Set the mood. Setting the mood requires you to just go with the moment or to induce yourself to feeling what makes your mind works best. Finding out what makes you tick could help you find ways to get your creative juices flowing. Set the pace and tempo for your mood and everything else will follow.

There are many ways to set the mood. Some writers have been known to use alcohol, a little sip of wine to stir up the imagination. Some would like some mood music while others let the lighting of the environment create the mood.

5) Go on a getaway and just do something different. Letting yourself go and have fun produces adrenaline that can make your imagination go wild. Take an adventure or a solemn hike. Whatever it is that is unusual from your daily routine can take the rut out of your schedule. In no time at all, your creativeness will make use of that experience and get your imagination to go on overdrive.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Pro's Of A Custom Written Essay

Writing an essay may be a very challenging and time consuming process. At the same time, the ability of a writer to create a consistent, coherent and interesting work is probably a key factor that determines his/her success not only in the academic performance but also in communication with his/her audience.

In such a situation, writing an essay of a high quality often needs the assistance of professionals who could write custom essays for them.

Custom essays are very helpful not only for the beginning writers, but also for those who have already gained significant proficiency in writing essays. Custom essays can guide through all the stages of writing an essay. In fact, a customer that orders custom essays can definitely improve his/her writing skills because custom essays can be used as samples for creation of a good work of his/her own.

However, what is probably most important about custom essays is the possibility to develop skills and abilities of professional writing since a customer acquires essential experience of the high quality writing.

Custom essays are written by experienced and qualified professionals whose writing mastership proves to be beyond a doubt and whose responsibility is unarguable. At the same time, custom essays provide excellent opportunities to avoid plagiarism, which may be a serious problem, especially for a beginner.

In fact, custom essays guarantee that all essays are written from scratch and free of plagiarism. The latter is extremely important because each customer naturally needs original and new ideas that could inspire him/her to write a work that would reveal his/her actual potential and ability to have a broader view on the subject researched.

In this respect, custom essays may be also extremely helpful since the writers of custom essays deal with thoroughly researched topics and their works meet all the standards regardless the level and the depth of the research. Therefore, custom essays can meet the needs and expectations of all customers regardless the grade and level of writing.

At the same time, the originality of each custom essay increases its educative value because it helps a customer to develop his/her own position in regard to the subject researched or problem discussed in the custom essay.

While writing an essay, it is extremely important to fully understand the subject researched in the essay, but often the common knowledge are not sufficient to write a paper of a good quality. Even experienced writers cannot always have time and possibility to research thoroughly the subject of an essay.

In such a context, a custom essay is a perfect solution of the problem of the lack of time and gaps in research of the subject of a customer's interest.

Finally, custom essays have another important characteristic that makes them particularly convenient to use. In fact, custom essays are delivered to customers at affordable prices and, therefore, customers are saving not only their time but also their money.

On the other hand, the experienced and certified writers guarantee that custom essays will meet the demands and expectations of customers and will receive the high grade.

Thus, custom essay is the best choice for a person who seeks a guide in writing an essay of the highest quality. Moreover, custom essay provide customers with ample opportunities to develop their own writing skills and reach proficiency comparable to that of professional writers.

7 Ways to Kickstart Writing Your Book This Year

Have you started your book yet? No. Don't think about it any longer. You know the words; now say it with me. Just do it! With the right focus and information, you can successfully begin, complete and even publish YOUR book within a few months this year.

More and more people are successfully completing their books in less time. Even your competitors are getting it done. Why not join them. Here's seven tips to kick start writing your book:

1. Make your mark in the world with a significant book.

Many hopeful authors tremble in their tracks wondering if their book will sell. That's a good question. Who wants to invest time or money into a sinking ship? Don't be afraid; here's how to test your book's significance.

You can know your book is significant if it presents useful information, answers important reader questions, and impacts people for the good. If it's entertaining or funny it could go further than you imagined.

It's significant, if it creates a deeper understanding of animals, humanity or this world. With one to three of these elements your book is worth writing. More than three, it has potential of making great sales and even to best seller status. Now, get started; write your book and make the world a better place.

2. Find out who will buy your book and sell it to them.

When you give your book a specific audience, it will hit the mark of good sales. Best seller books focus on a single topic per book. When you aim at one audience at a time, each tip, each story or how-to will be more effective. Point your message to someone specific and you gain a competitive edge on many book writers. For many authors just shoot their book out to the world without aim.

It would be helpful to create an audience profile. Are your potential readers male or female? How old are they? Are they interested in topic? What problems do they face? Are they business people or professionals? Are they techies or non-techies? Are they willing to spend $15-20 on a book like yours? Do this and you're on your way to selling more books than you dreamed.

3. Write your book's central thought and support it with your book.

Did you cringe at the words (thesis) central thought? For some, it brought back memories of school days and writing essays. No worries, a thesis simply means the main central thought of the book. Make sure your main central thought includes the greatest benefit to your book reader and you're done.

In other words, it should answer your audiences' question, "How will this book help, encourage or solve my problem for me?" Write the thesis before you write the book and stay on the path of focused, powerful yet easy to read content.

All chapters support your book's main concept. For "Win with the Writer Inside," the thesis is "How to write, complete, and publish your best book fast." The top selling titles often include the main thought in some form.

4. Make an inspiration cover early to encourage yourself.

Keep it nearby to inspire you. Remember, book covers are the number one selling point of a book. Of course, in the beginning this is only a working cover. Nevertheless it will help crystallize your thoughts and propel you toward the fulfillment of your dream. You have 10 seconds or less to impress your potential readers to buy.

Look around the bookstores and the internet to get a few ideas. Look for the covers most suited for your audience. Choose colors that attract them. For instance, consider red and blue for business books; aqua, yellow, and shades of red work for personal growth books. Even so, avoid too much red; it makes some feel suspicious.

5. Develop the back cover as a sales message before you write chapter one.

This benefit driven outline helps give your book direction and helps you focus on what's really important to your readers. Most books will only allow for 50-75 words. That gives you less than 20 seconds to impress your prospective reader. Make this message passionate. Focus only what sells: testimonials (reader, expert and famous), a benefit driven headline to hook the reader to open the book and read the table of contents, and bulleted benefits.

6. Compose your book's 60 second "billboard" before you begin writing.

Have you noticed a billboard lately? You only have a few seconds to get it as you drive by. So, the information is distilled into sound bytes to be effective. Make your 2-3 sentence book blurbs into sound bytes. Like a billboard where you only have a few seconds to get your message across, condense your sound byte into a 60 second tell and sell.
Use your mini billboard at networking meetings, in the elevator, in the grocery line, anywhere you only have a few seconds to tell about your book. Composing your ad should include your title and 3 top benefits.

7. Write your publishing goals down for your book.

Will you self-publish or shop for a traditional publish? There are serious pros and cons for either method. Find out the differences so you can make an educated choice that suits you. If you are self-publishing, consider the POD technology for your book. There are lots of good choices that will publish your book for you at an affordable price.

If you are opting for a traditional publisher, get an agent and a contract before writing the book. Then shop agents and publishers with 2 chapters and a knock-out book proposal. Invest in one of the current market guides and research the best fit for your work. It raises your chances considerably if you know what kind of manuscripts a particular company is looking for.

I admit it; getting started writing a book can be challenging to most. Even so, it doesn't have to stay that way. You can do like the author did; use the ten tips above and kick start writing your book. Start today; complete and release your significant message to the world. Then jump around, get excited for it won't be long before we see your name in print!

Express Your Feeling Through Love Letter Writing

Would you like to compose personal love letters and poems for your sweetheart but don't know where to begin? You don't have to spend a fortune this Valentine's Day to show your partner that you love them! Getting to meet someone using a note or letter is probably one of the oldest forms of meeting and getting to know someone.

Expressing love through letter writing shows thought and it is the thought that counts. Your beloved will be so touched that you put in the extra effort to create something they could proudly display on the wall. There are good chances that your love letter is probably the first love letter that he or she has ever got, which makes the letter even more memorable.

If you've been married for many years, you may want to write about how lovely it's been spending your life with your spouse. The increasing rarity and consequent emotional charm of personal mail may also serve to emphasize the emotional importance of the message. The decline of letter love writing,however, has interestingly lead to its effectiveness as a way to express love.

Some Tips For Love Letter Writing:

- "I will love you always," "Loving you forever," "My heart is yours," are all good possibilities.
- Build up your vocabulary to include a variety of words to describe the intimacy or the sensual nocturnal games you could share.
- Don't make promises you can't keep and don't write anything you may regret later.
- Don't forget to sign your love letter!
- Take the time to tailor your letter for the moment.
- Never feel that you have nothing to write about, as the simplest things can make a great letter.
- You want your lover to know that you love her for the emotional aspects, not just the physical.
- If you do not know her name, then a simple 'Hi' would do.
- Beginning the letter with words that flatter your chosen would let him know of what sort of naughty fun he can expect.
- Go on to express tender feelings and how it is for you when you spend intimate moments with your chosen.

Things To Consider In Writing:
- Collect Your Thoughts. Take some time to think about what you want to say before you start writing.
- Make An Offer She Cannot Refuse - Offer to do something that you know will make her really, really happy.
- Surprise Your Partner - Surprise your partner by sharing something very intimate with her, that maybe you didn't express in the past.
- Remember, There Are No Rules In A Love Letter - A love letter is an intimate conversation between two people and there are no rules to be abided by.
You do not need to be a poet or author to write a romantic love letter. Find a location that is peaceful with a calming view. In my research and interviews with people, one of the most attractive ingredients in written communication which 'sweeps the recipient off his or her feet", so to say, is the effort put into developing the love letter.

The love letter can fire the imagination of the one who is writing it as well as the one who receives it. The decline of letter love writing,however, has interestingly lead to its effectiveness as a way to express love. The art of writing a love letter should be nurtured and perfected when one wants the romance to grow and flower.

Expressing love through letter writing shows thought and it is the thought that counts. The letter may describe what pleasures await when you next meet or feelings of love and tenderness. When writing a perfect love letter it's important to consider the status of the relationship.

Some Tips On How To Wite A Love Letter:

- End the love letter by saying that you hope to be able to have the opportunity to 'bump' into her again.
- You want your lover to know that you love her for the emotional aspects, not just the physical.
- If you are writing an erotic lover letter, talk about yourself as well.
- Spray the love letter with a light fragrance.
- Take the time to tailor your letter for the moment.
- Let your letters be as if you were there talking to your partner face to face.
- If you are handwriting the letter, use a very dark ink and be certain to have a few extra pieces of paper on hand.
- Perhaps a more primal experience is what is called for.
- Your own handwriting will be something new and probably a side of you he/she has never seen.
- Build up your vocabulary to include a variety of words to describe the intimacy or the sensual nocturnal games you could share.

Things To Consider In Writing:
- Make An Offer She Cannot Refuse - Offer to do something that you know will make her really, really happy.
- Remember, There Are No Rules In A Love Letter - A love letter is an intimate conversation between two people and there are no rules to be abided by.
- Clear your desk and your mind of distractions.
- Collect Your Thoughts. Take some time to think about what you want to say before you start writing.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Your Online Guide on How to Write A Good Book Review

First, what is a book review and why do people want them?

You have just read a book and are offering your opinion. Essentially, you are providing a mini-version of the book so someone else can decide for themselves if it's worth their money and time.

A book review is a description, analysis, and evaluation of a book. It talks about the quality, meaning, and significance of a book. It isn't just a short, 6 paragraph retelling. It's not a book report or a summary.

It's your reaction to the strengths and weaknesses of the material. It's how you felt about the book's purpose, content, and authority.

There is no right or wrong way to write a book review. Book reviews are personal and reflect your opinion. There is no minimum or maximal length. If you're writing one for an Amazon, you will need to be concise and to the point - but if you are writing for a magazine, you could run 1500 words or more.

One way to write it is to state what the author has tried to do, compare (in your opinion) how that author succeeded, and back it up with evidence.

Here's some guidelines:

1. Write an opening statement giving essential information about the book: title, author, first copyright date, type of book, general subject matter, special features (maps, color plates, etc.), price and ISBN. (In online reviews, this can be skipped, since it is part of the blurb for the book and that data is just a few paragraphs above.)

2. State the author's purpose in writing the book. You can often get this from their preface or first chapter. Where they don't come out and say so, you can ask yourself these questions:

a. Why did the author write on this subject rather than on some other subject?

b. From what point of view is the work written?

c. Was the author trying to give information, to explain something technical, to convince the reader of something?

d. What is the general field or genre, and how does the book fit into it?

e. Who is the intended audience?

f. What is the author's style? Did it suit your own tastes?

g. Scan the Table of Contents to see how it's organized sensibly.

g. How did the book affect you? Did you change any ideas you held because of it? How does it fit in with what you think or your own personal world view? Did it bring up old memories of yours?

h. Did the book achieve what it set out to do?

i. Would you recommend this book to others? How come?

3. Sum up the book in an elevator pitch - if you had to recommend this book to someone during an elevator ride, in the time between floors.

4. Explain how the author got his point across. What descriptions did they use? How did they tell the story - and did they keep you interested? Did their arguments make sense? Did they leave anything out or leave you unconvinced at the end?

5. Check into the author (this is fairly easy on the Internet) and see if what you find - reputation, qualifications, influences, biographical, etc. - establishes them as an authority. Do you see any relation between the author's philosophy, life experience and book you're reviewing?

6. If relevant, make note of the book's format - layout, binding, typography, etc. Are there maps, illustrations? Do they help your understanding?

7. Check the back matter. How's the index? Are the footnotes accurate and useful? What does the bibliography look like - long, short, haphazard? Make notes of what you find.

8. Summarize (briefly), analyze, and comment on the book's content and its summary. List the main topics, and briefly summarize the author's ideas about these topics, main points, and conclusions. Use specific references and quotations to support your statements. Once you have a good grip on that book, the conclusion will come simply.

Your Online Guide on How to Write A Good Book Review

First, what is a book review and why do people want them?

You have just read a book and are offering your opinion. Essentially, you are providing a mini-version of the book so someone else can decide for themselves if it's worth their money and time.

A book review is a description, analysis, and evaluation of a book. It talks about the quality, meaning, and significance of a book. It isn't just a short, 6 paragraph retelling. It's not a book report or a summary.

It's your reaction to the strengths and weaknesses of the material. It's how you felt about the book's purpose, content, and authority.

There is no right or wrong way to write a book review. Book reviews are personal and reflect your opinion. There is no minimum or maximal length. If you're writing one for an Amazon, you will need to be concise and to the point - but if you are writing for a magazine, you could run 1500 words or more.

One way to write it is to state what the author has tried to do, compare (in your opinion) how that author succeeded, and back it up with evidence.

Here's some guidelines:

1. Write an opening statement giving essential information about the book: title, author, first copyright date, type of book, general subject matter, special features (maps, color plates, etc.), price and ISBN. (In online reviews, this can be skipped, since it is part of the blurb for the book and that data is just a few paragraphs above.)

2. State the author's purpose in writing the book. You can often get this from their preface or first chapter. Where they don't come out and say so, you can ask yourself these questions:

a. Why did the author write on this subject rather than on some other subject?

b. From what point of view is the work written?

c. Was the author trying to give information, to explain something technical, to convince the reader of something?

d. What is the general field or genre, and how does the book fit into it?

e. Who is the intended audience?

f. What is the author's style? Did it suit your own tastes?

g. Scan the Table of Contents to see how it's organized sensibly.

g. How did the book affect you? Did you change any ideas you held because of it? How does it fit in with what you think or your own personal world view? Did it bring up old memories of yours?

h. Did the book achieve what it set out to do?

i. Would you recommend this book to others? How come?

3. Sum up the book in an elevator pitch - if you had to recommend this book to someone during an elevator ride, in the time between floors.

4. Explain how the author got his point across. What descriptions did they use? How did they tell the story - and did they keep you interested? Did their arguments make sense? Did they leave anything out or leave you unconvinced at the end?

5. Check into the author (this is fairly easy on the Internet) and see if what you find - reputation, qualifications, influences, biographical, etc. - establishes them as an authority. Do you see any relation between the author's philosophy, life experience and book you're reviewing?

6. If relevant, make note of the book's format - layout, binding, typography, etc. Are there maps, illustrations? Do they help your understanding?

7. Check the back matter. How's the index? Are the footnotes accurate and useful? What does the bibliography look like - long, short, haphazard? Make notes of what you find.

8. Summarize (briefly), analyze, and comment on the book's content and its summary. List the main topics, and briefly summarize the author's ideas about these topics, main points, and conclusions. Use specific references and quotations to support your statements. Once you have a good grip on that book, the conclusion will come simply.

Where To Look For A Book Publisher

Your efforts do not stop after you have taken to write your pride and joy book or novel. In fact, formatting it up to the standards of different publishers and finding the right publisher needs an equally great effort, time and research if you wish to avoid a stack of rejection slips landing in your mail box..

Although there are hundreds and hundreds of them, the best place to look for book publishers is the Writers Market, this is a book which is published once a year incorporating information on book publishers, magazines publishers, and any other imaginable publisher in the writing market.

It will give you the most up-to-date information about the specialization of each publisher, whom to contact, and how to you have to format your manuscript to meet their specifications. For more up to the minute information Writers Market is available online too.

There is a lot of guidance available online which gives tips on how to approach book publishers as well as how to attract the attention of an editor by sending a well-drafted cover letter with your manuscript. Paying great attention to small nuances like these may make a big difference in getting someone to read your submission instead of it being tossed in the rejected pile unread.

Agents are skilled in selling books and can be of great help in getting some attention to your manuscript as they have contacts and can call in favours owed to them by publishers. Though they offer no guarantees but provide very useful counsel and can contribute a lot to your objective, especially if you are a first timer. As book publishers are often flooded with submissions, therefore employing a good agent can get the right person to look at your book faster.

If you are struck with traditional book publishers, you may try to publish on your own book or article. Before venturing out on this route, it is very much advised that you consider the strength of your skills in the area of marketing and distribution because that will be your responsibility. You may use some publishing companies that help only with the printing of your book. Before you sign up with any self-publishing company, make sure that you do extensive research before you commit to anything. Beware of scams - of which as in any industry there can be many - as there are some companies that will take your money and do little else.

Meeting Someone Through Love Letter

Would you like to compose personal love letters and poems for your sweetheart but don't know where to begin? Writing a love-letter for the purpose of meeting someone is rather difficult and different from writing to someone whom you already know. With someone you know, there are many events, feelings and shared moments which you can develop a letter from. However, with someone you have not met, this becomes rather difficult. So how do we even start? You don't need to be a poet or author to write a romantic love-letter.

If you want to impress your sweetheart this February 14th, consider writing them a note. A heartfelt letter from a man can mean so much more to a woman than just a bunch of roses, box of chocolates or a piece of jewelry. Today too, a love letter is rated as one of the topmost ways of saying I Love You.

Often receiving a love greeting unexpectedly can have the greatest impact. When writing a perfect love letter it's important to consider the status of the relationship. There are good chances that your love-letter is probably the first love letter that he or she has ever got, which makes the letter even more memorable.

Some Tips For Love Letter Writing:

-List at least three different qualities of the one you love in the letter, ideally emotional, physical, and spiritual ones.
-Drop the love letter in the mail, and look forward to the response.
-Don't underline or write any words in all caps; it's like yelling.
-Always hand write your love letter even if your writing is sloppy.
-Don't make promises you can't keep and don't write anything you may regret later.
-Never write an anonymous letter.
-Another part of letter love writing is using images and memories from your own relationship in the letter. This makes the letter more personal. Your lover will realize you are writing for him/her. Pick special moment and say: "Remember this?
-In the body of the letter, begin by telling him/her what you think makes him/her so special.
-Don't forget to sign your love-letter!
-Plain paper is fine, but try to choose a better grade of paper stay away from lined paper or paper with lots of designs printed on it.

Things To Consider In Writing:
-Clear your desk and your mind of distractions.
-Make An Offer She Cannot Refuse - Offer to do something that you know will make her really, really happy.
-Collect Your Thoughts. Take some time to think about what you want to say before you start writing.
-Remember, There Are No Rules In A Love-Letter - A love letter is an intimate conversation between two people and there are no rules to be abided by.

Writing A Good Book Report Is An Art

Some time or the other during our schooling most of us have been assigned the task of writing book reports. We have to live with book report assignments throughout our academic life, grade school, high school and college

Book reports in grade school are easy as the writing is simple and most of the times the teacher takes an indulgent view due to the students age.

High school book reports are a different ball game altogether. Are they not? The teacher expects us to know what we are doing and the assignments too are more unmanageable. This is the time when we are expected to know how to write a book report properly without those irritating grammatical errors and fledgling mistakes.

Nobody likes remarks like see me after class from teachers but still every one of us has had to face them one way or the other during high school.

College, again, throws new challenges when we find that the concept of book reports is crushed but haunts us under a different name altogether. Suddenly book reports are termed as essays and instead of broad stories the assignments become more focused on an idea that is a recurrent element in the book and specific themes. Instead of indulging in wishful thinking and hoping we were still in high school where things were easier, it is the time when we are required to unearth our talent if we have any.

If we really get down to doing it seriously, learning how to write book reports is pretty elementary. It is simply a mater of organizing and doing it chronologically instead of indulging in it in a haphazard manner. The best way of writing book reports is to work on it step by step. Without trying to make notes in-between, first read the entire book. Writing notes in between may result in loosing focus of the underlying idea the author wants to convey.
The second step is to decide on the focus of your report as per the guidelines of the assignment: depending upon whether the assignment is for a general summary or a focus on a particular aspect of the book, prepare a general outline and structure of the report.

Once the outline and the structure is ready all that is needed is to keep in mind the books major themes and start pouring your heart out on what you feel the book and the theme is all about. After all, a book report is all about enlarging the small issue.

However if you are practically a novice in writing book reports and/or want to improve your technique, there are a good number of websites that can assist you in your endeavor.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

5 Proven Ways To Avoid Mental Blocks

Writing an article doesn't just mean putting down thoughts into words then typing and writing it. You have to capture the awareness of your readers, teach them valuable know-how and get them to keep on reading. To send your message across you have to get the attention of the reader and have a firm grasp of their interest and pique their curiosity.

The main ingredient in baking up an article is a large dose of creativity. While creativity may come natural to many people, some just gets into a block or something to that effect that can drive someone to feel slight at uneasy. Many writers have literally torn their hair out when they get writers block and just can't seem to get their creative juices flowing.

Putting words into images in the readers mind is an art. A clear and crisp depiction requires a certain flair that only creativity can provide. Similes and metaphors help a lot, but the way an article gets entwined word for word, sentence by sentence then paragraph by paragraph into a whole article develops the essence of the article.

So just what do you have to do when nothing comes to mind? There is no surefire ways to get the perfect ideas but there are easy ways to get your creative juices flowing. No one can guarantee you of having the perfect mindset but many methods may aid you in achieving that state of mind. Here are five battle tested easy ways to overcome such issues.

1) Keep a diary or a journal with you always. Ideas can be triggered by anything you may hear, see, or smell. Your senses are your radar in finding great ideas. Write all of them into a journal and keep it with you for future reference. You may also write down anything that you have read or heard, someone's ideas could be used to develop your own ideas and this is not stealing. Remember that ideas and creativity can come from anywhere; it's the development of the idea that makes it unique.

Not everyone are going to be able to remember to bring their journal or notepad along with them. However, it is highly likely that they would have their mobile on them. Today, mobiles has the capability to record instant audio and you can certainly take good advantage of your telephonic devices whenever that golden ideas start to kick in your head.

2) Relax and take time to sort things out. A jumbled mind cannot create any space for new ideas. Everyone must have a clear mind if one wishes to have their creativity in full speed. Get rid of all obstacles that can be a hindrance to your creativity. If you are bothered by something, you cannot force your mind to stay focused.

Try to relax every time that you can and think about your experiences and interactions with others. Your experiences are what shape your mindset and your opinions which could be reflected on your writings. Try to discover yourself, find out what triggers your emotions. Go back to the past. Discover what inspires you and what ticks you off. You can use these emotions to help you in expressing yourself and your ideas, with this you can grow creatively.

If it still fails, try to listen to calming music like the one you normally hear in the spa. You can easily buy these relaxing tunes from the music stores or download it off Itunes. You're bound to feel better in the end.

3) Create a working place that can inspire your creativeness. Your working place can be quite a hindrance if it doesn't make you feel happy or relaxed. Creativity comes from being in a good state of mind and a messed up workplace that causes distraction won't be conducive in firing up your creative flow.
Surround your working place with objects that makes you happy and relaxed. You may put up pictures, or scents, objects that inspire, or anything that can get your creativeness cranking. A clean and well organized workplace also rids of distractions and unwanted hindrances. With a good working place, you can work in peace and never notice the time pass by.

4) Set the mood. Setting the mood requires you to just go with the moment or to induce yourself to feeling what makes your mind works best. Finding out what makes you tick could help you find ways to get your creative juices flowing. Set the pace and tempo for your mood and everything else will follow.

There are many ways to set the mood. Some writers have been known to use alcohol, a little sip of wine to stir up the imagination. Some would like some mood music while others let the lighting of the environment create the mood.

5) Go on a getaway and just do something different. Letting yourself go and have fun produces adrenaline that can make your imagination go wild. Take an adventure or a solemn hike. Whatever it is that is unusual from your daily routine can take the rut out of your schedule. In no time at all, your creativeness will make use of that experience and get your imagination to go on overdrive.

Challenging Your Fears

Fear is one of the basic human emotions that drive us. Whether it's a fear of starvation, of dying, or simply of the unknown, we fear what we can not expect as well as the things we have come to expect in our lives. Too often, this fear is crippling, even damaging. Thus, many people have turned to medications to help soothe their basic fears or they ignore them completely, to their eventual downfall - mentally and physically. Fear can be a healthy thing and it is meant to be helpful - but only if you stop to learn from your fears.

What are You Afraid of?

For most of us, listing our fears is a daily routine we do in our heads when we wake up. We fear getting to work late, heading into too heavy of traffic, etc. Right now, start a journal which you will carry around with you for one day, listing all of the fears you have as you go through your life. These can be silly fears (to you) as well as bigger fears. What you will notice at the end of this day is that your list is very, very long. Our lives are driven by fears and thus we tend to continuously come up with new ones in order to feel normal and sane.

Naming your fears is the first step to attacking them and turning them into allies instead of enemies.

Taking on Your Fears

Once you have this list of fears, you need to begin look at them from a practical and non-judgmental viewpoint. First of all, ask yourself if any of these fears came true. If so, circle the fear. If not, don't circle them. If you have a lot of circles, you're probably in the minority. Going to the circled entries, think about new ways that you can avoid these fears and make them less of a likelihood. This might mean that you avoid certain situations or that you learn how to adjust your life in order to stop them from coming true. For example, if you fear getting to work late, but you perpetually leave your house late too, you need to change the way you live in order to arrive at work on time.

After considering the fears which have come true, you can then move onto the fears which have not come to pass. These fears are the ones that need to be challenged. Ask yourself with each fear how this fear is either unlikely or if it is something you can control. For example, if you fear for the lives of your family, is there anything that indicates this might be reasonable right now? Ask yourself if there is anything you can do to help protect them? If you can not answer these questions, it's probably best that you begin to see the faults in your fearful thinking. These may be fears which are unreasonable for you to worry about - and you can begin to let them go or at least see their weakness.

Whenever you have a new fear, take a moment to follow this process in your head. Ask yourself if the fear is reasonable and if there is anything you can do. Once your mind begins to recognize that you are rationally looking at your fears, you will begin to see fewer fears popping up.